• 공지사항
제목 [공지] 위험물에 관하여 항공사에서 발견시 벌금 및 처벌


요즘 위험품으로 분류되는 Aerosol(에어로졸) Spray 상품이 일반 택배 화물로 운송되는 경우가 종종 발생하고 있습니다.



미 TSA 적발시 불법 화물 운반에 대해 벌금 및 처벌이 가능 합니다.



하기 화물에 대해서는 각별히 고객측에 운송불가 주의 부탁드리며베터리 화물은 신고 절차를 진행하도록 해 주십시오.



Most common dangerous goods that people do not know that they need to report are:



  • Lithium batteries or lithium battery attached products (UN3481/UN3091)è 베터리 포함 신고


  • Aerosol spraysè DG, 반입 금지택배 운송 불가


  • Flammable liquids like cooking oilsè DG, 반입 금지택배 운송 불가







Dear all,






We have been warned by our HQ about recent increase of transport of undocumented dangerous goods as parcel or e-commerce packages.






Not only because of being unlawful, but also because this may bring about a great danger to the aircraft and crew as well as the shipments, we are extremely sensitive about this matter.



Please let your agents and customers be aware of the seriousness of hidden dangerous goods.






Most common dangerous goods that people do not know that they need to report are:



  • Lithium batteries or lithium battery attached products (UN3481/UN3091)


  • Aerosol sprays


  • Flammable liquids like cooking oils.





We should and will reject any undocumented dangerous goods, and it is subject to report to the authority.